There is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic continues to teach us, it is that good hygiene is important. We all think more about hand hygiene now than even the cleanliest of us ever did.  Hand santiser is at the entrance to every public or retail space we encounter for the duration. Even once we’re finally free and clear of this particular pandemic, having a hand sanitiser dispenser at the entrance to our homes, stores, offices and workshops will always be good practice. So let’s have a look some that you can make at home with parts readily available at your local hardware store.


Here are some video tutorials, they all use similar supplies in different configurations. Most of these use plastic plumbing pipes in predominantly US imperial measurements. However, you can use this handy chart to find the matching sizes in different systems.

If you’re not a video person have a look at this text and pictures tutorial on Instructable. It uses a similar method and material list as the video tutorials above.

Maybe, carpentry is more your thing or you want something that looks less industrial here is an elegant looking wooden project.

All of these follow the same principle can be easily customised to fit your preferred bottle type. You can even repurpose them to dispense liquid soap for your company bathroom or workshop wash area. Or, when gatherings are a thing again, use it to dispense sun cream at your next pool party or summer braai

If you have another use for these let us know in the comments. Show off your creations on our facebook page.

Have a look at this list for more interesting DIY project ideas