A colourful history of excellent hardware, advice and service in Durbanville

The First King

In English it is king and in Afrikaans it is koning. In Latin it is rex and reminds you of dinosaurs and dogs. When, In 1992, Paul Koning opened a hardware store in Durbanville it was easy to understand why he named it Rex Hardware.

Rex Hardware became a place where the hardware came with excellent advice, exceptional service, a smile and a chat. Bonding over building turned clients into friends and it was soon a meeting place for those who love to work with their hands. Rex Hardware became known as the friendliest place to get excellent hardware, advice and service in Durbanville.

The Queens of Rex

Six months later, Paul’s wife added a small hairdressing salon called Emma’s to the back of the shop. Emma’s was very popular with the local community. Entire families from children to their great grandparents would visit at Emma’s and enjoy coffee and conversation with their newly styled hair.

When Angie joined the team she added cellphone repair to the excellent hardware, advice and service already available at Rex Hardware. Soon even more of the Durbanville community had a reason to enjoy the friendly, family atmosphere and personal service.

A New Rex

After cycling enthusiast Shafiek Masoet bought Rex Hardware in 2012, he added his own interests to offerings available at the Durbanville store. Then bicycle spares and solar energy products joined the excellent hardware, advice and service that the Rex Hardware has always been known for. Shafiek’s greatest love was teaching and he has since returned to moulding young minds.

Rex of the Future

In May 2015 the kingdom of Rex Hardware passed into the hands of Ater Steyn and his fiancée  Alison. Together they are taking Rex’s colourful history and reputation for excellent hardware, advice and service into the future. They will find what you need if they don’t already have it. They always listen to what you need and find the solutions to your project’s problems.  Whether you’re looking hardware or advice, come and have a chat at Rex Hardware in Durbanville.

“Never had better service anywhere in my entire life….”


Trusted Partners

Great results are achieved by great teams.

These are the partners we trust to help you achieve great results whether your projects is for work or play.