Monthly Archives: May 2019

Paint Prepper – Preparing for Painting


AS we say here: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. That holds true with most things in life, all things in DIY and especially in painting. Preparing for Painting is a lot more than picking out a colour and buying some brushes. It takes some time, effort and planning but it will ensure that you

Paint Prepper – Preparing for Painting2019-05-30T13:22:14+02:00

Drip, Drip, Drip – Stop a Dripping Tap


Apart from being incredibly annoying, a dripping tap can waste a shocking amount of water. This has an equally shocking effect on your water bill and it's not good for our water scarce country. Most of the time a dripping tap is caused by an old or degraded washer. Thankfully changing a a washer is

Drip, Drip, Drip – Stop a Dripping Tap2019-05-10T14:58:25+02:00
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